Member of Knesset - определение. Что такое Member of Knesset
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Что (кто) такое Member of Knesset - определение

Speaker of the Knesset; Knesset speaker; Chairman of the Knesset
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Lists of Knesset members         
Knesset members; Member of Knesset; MKs; Member of the Knesset; List of members of the Knesset; Members of the Knesset; Member of knesset; List of Knesset members; Members of Knesset; Knesset member
Lists of Knesset members cover members of the Knesset of Israel. They are organized by session, by ethnicity and by position.
Knesset members; Member of Knesset; MKs; Member of the Knesset; List of members of the Knesset; Members of the Knesset; Member of knesset; List of Knesset members; Members of Knesset; Knesset member
¦ abbreviation metre-kilogram-second (denoting a system of measurement using these as basic units).
Knesset members; Member of Knesset; MKs; Member of the Knesset; List of members of the Knesset; Members of the Knesset; Member of knesset; List of Knesset members; Members of Knesset; Knesset member
Mortice Kern Systems (Reference: manufacturer)


List of Knesset speakers

The Speaker of the Knesset (Hebrew: יוֹשֵׁב רֹאשׁ הכנסת, romanized: Yoshev Rosh HaKnesset, lit. 'Chairman of the Knesset') is the presiding officer of the Knesset, the unicameral legislature of Israel. The Speaker also acts as President of Israel when the President is incapacitated. The current speaker is Amir Ohana, who was elected on 29 December 2022.

To date, Ahdut HaAvoda's Nahum Nir and Blue & White's Benny Gantz are the only Speakers not to have come from the ruling party, though in two cases (Avraham Burg and Reuven Rivlin) the party of the speaker (One Israel and Likud respectively) lost power during their term.

The speaker is expected to act in a non-partisan nature, but may occasionally take part in debates, and is allowed to vote.

The speaker is assisted by a number of Deputy Speakers of the Knesset (currently 5). The Deputy Speakers are drawn from the breadth of parties represented in the Knesset. Together, the Speaker and the Deputy Speakers constitute the Praesidium of the Knesset.

Примеры употребления для Member of Knesset
1. Every member of Knesset who continues to support this disastrous government, will answer for it.
2. "A member of Knesset is less protected than a simple citizen.
3. All this, and he is not even a member of Knesset.
4. The writer is a member of Knesset for the Labor party.
5. The Laborite member of Knesset proposes to clap a ceiling on executive pay at Israel‘s publicly traded companies.